MDN Latin Dance Studio

Advanced Beginner II Salsa
with Marcus Nieves

January 27 (Monday)
at 7:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

MDN Latin Dance Studio

Pay $25 per class or purchase a 12 Class Salsa Punchcard online. Cash or card payments are accepted at the front desk as well.

Advanced Beginner II Class Description
Our Advanced Beginner II (AB2) class is the next step for dancers who have completed Advanced Beginner I and are ready to refine their technique and expand their On2 skills. New AB2 cycles begin every three months, but progression into this level requires successful completion of AB1 or equivalent training at another On2 dance studio.

Eligibility Requirements
Students in AB2:
  • Have completed at least three full cycles (nine months) in AB1.
  • Have demonstrated proficiency in foundational skills and consistent attendance.
Class Schedule
AB2 classes meet three times per week, with attendance at a minimum of two classes per week required to stay on track:
  • Mondays at 7:00 PM
  • Thursdays at 8:30 PM
  • Saturdays at 1:30 PM
Progression Guidelines
Students who show great work ethic, maintain appropriate attendance, and consistently demonstrate knowledge of skills may be invited to progress into the Intermediate level. Management may also choose to offer an end-of-cycle test for those who wish to level up.

Practice Expectations
To successfully advance to the Intermediate level, it is crucial that students:
  • Practice their skills outside of class.
  • Attend socials regularly to refine their movements, timing, and connection in a social dance setting.
Class Chat and Attendance Policy
Students must scan into the Official AB2 Class Chat at the front desk to gain access. Attendance is a key factor for success, and students must attend at least four classes per month to remain in the chat. Management reserves the right to remove students from the chat if they fail to meet this requirement.


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